প্রকল্প সমূহ

BuoyInt: An intelligent buoy for river water quality monitoring
Envirotics: An online effluent treatment plant (ETP) monitoring system

BuoyInt: An intelligent buoy for river water quality monitoring

চিহ্নিত সমস্যা এবং প্রস্তাবিত সমাধান

<p><span style="color: rgb(88, 102, 110); text-align: justify;">River Water Quality Monitoring Using Sensors</span><br></p><div><span style="color: rgb(88, 102, 110); text-align: justify;"><br></span></div>

<p><span style="color: rgb(88, 102, 110); text-align: justify;">To tackle the challenge of river water quality monitoring, we present BuoyInt (pronounced as buoyant) which can be seen as a buoy with some intelligence! BuoyInt is a self-powered, easy-to-maintain and highly secure system that will efficiently and continually (based on pre-specified time interval) measure necessary water quality parameters and store data in an appropriate format in the server. It will automatically maintain its vital components in the working state, continuously analyze the data and provide valuable insights and alarms to take necessary actions. We will optimize the design to cope up with the local environment. Since a huge amount of data (i.e., Big Data) will be generated, the software platform will be designed carefully so that it can handle the data (i.e., storage, retrieval and analysis thereof) smoothly and the system is scalable. The server platform and the system will be carefully designed in such a way so that they can be efficiently hosted in the cloud (using any cloud infrastructure provider) as well as be deployed in the National Data Center of Bangladesh.</span><br></p><div><span style="color: rgb(88, 102, 110); text-align: justify;"><br></span></div>